Peptide Therapy
Get Better. Get Stronger.

Peptide Therapy

At Alive Total Wellness, we offer cutting-edge peptide therapies designed to enhance your overall health, boost performance, and support recovery. Our therapies utilize high-quality peptides that target specific physiological processes, providing you with a range of benefits from increased muscle mass to improved cognitive function. Explore our specialized peptide therapies and discover how they can help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Benefits of Peptide Therapy:
  1. Decreased Body Fat: Experience a reduction in body fat as peptides stimulate metabolic processes and promote fat loss, helping you achieve a leaner physique.
  2. Improved Sleep Quality: Enhance your sleep patterns with peptides that regulate sleep cycles, leading to deeper and more restorative sleep.
  3. Increased Cognitive Function: Boost your cognitive abilities, including improved memory, focus, and mental clarity, supporting better performance in daily activities.
  4. Quicker Recovery Times Post-Injury: Accelerate your recovery process with peptides that aid in tissue repair and reduce inflammation, getting you back to your routine faster.
  5. Increased Muscle Mass and Strength: Build lean muscle and increase strength as peptides support muscle growth and physical conditioning.

Revitalize Your Health

Build Lean Muscle

Enhance Mental Clarity

Quicker Recovery

Feel Younger, Live Stronger

Get Better. Get Stronger.


At Alive Total Wellness, we offer Sermorelin, a peptide that stimulates the natural production of growth hormone in the body. It is commonly used to enhance muscle growth, improve recovery, and support overall health and wellness.

Benefits of Sermorelin:

  • Increases Muscle Mass: Helps build lean muscle and increase strength.
  • Enhances Sleep Quality: Promotes deeper, more restorative sleep.
  • Reduces Body Fat: Helps decrease body fat percentage, leading to a leaner physique.
  • Strengthens Bones: Supports bone density, making bones stronger and less prone to fractures.
  • Improves Endurance: Increases stamina and endurance, beneficial for physical activities.
  • Boosts Immune Function: Supports a healthier immune system, aiding in better overall health.
  • Supports Overall Wellness: Contributes to better overall health by supporting metabolism and energy levels.
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Get Better. Get Stronger.


At Alive Total Wellness, we offer Tesamorelin, a powerful peptide that stimulates the natural production of growth hormone in the body. It is widely used to optimize muscle growth, speed up recovery, and enhance overall health and wellness.

Benefits of Tesamorelin:

  • Promotes Lean Muscle Development: Effectively increases lean muscle mass and improves physical strength.
  • Improves Sleep Patterns: Enhances the quality of sleep by encouraging deeper, more restorative sleep cycles.
  • Targets Abdominal Fat Reduction: Specifically helps in reducing abdominal fat, leading to a more defined and slimmer midsection.
  • Supports Bone Health: Improves bone density, making bones stronger and reducing the risk of fractures.
  • Enhances Physical Performance: Boosts endurance and stamina, making it easier to engage in physical activities.
  • Sharpens Mental Function: Enhances cognitive abilities, including memory and focus.
  • Enhances Overall Well-Being: Supports metabolic health and boosts energy levels, contributing to a healthier lifestyle.
Get Better. Get Stronger.


At Alive Total Wellness, we offer IGF-LR3, a potent peptide designed to significantly enhance your body’s natural growth processes. IGF-LR3 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-LR3) is known for its powerful effects on muscle growth, fat loss, and overall physical performance. This advanced peptide therapy supports optimal health and wellness by promoting various physiological benefits.

Benefits of LGF-LR3:
  • Increases Muscle Mass: Enhances muscle growth and strength by promoting protein synthesis and cell regeneration.
  • Boosts Fat Loss: Supports the reduction of body fat by improving the body’s ability to metabolize fat and enhance lean muscle mass.
  • Improves Recovery: Accelerates recovery from workouts and injuries, helping you bounce back faster and maintain peak performance.
  • Enhances Endurance: Improves stamina and physical endurance, making it easier to sustain high levels of activity.
  • Supports Bone Health: Contributes to better bone density, helping to strengthen bones and reduce the risk of fractures.
  • Boosts Metabolism: Optimizes metabolic processes, leading to more efficient energy use and better overall health.
  • Enhances Overall Wellness: Supports a balanced hormonal profile and overall well-being, promoting a healthier, more active lifestyle.
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Easy 3 Step Process

How it Works

Step 1:

Book Consultation

Explore the transformative potential of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) with a consultation from our seasoned professionals. Discuss the numerous benefits and determine if TRT aligns with your health goals. Begin your journey towards a revitalized and healthier future with this crucial first step.

Step 2:

Meet Neil WIlliams, NP

Experience the highest standard of care with Neil Williams, NP, an exceptional healthcare provider at Alive Total Wellness. Neil is known for his compassionate approach and deep commitment to his patients’ well-being.His expertise in Testosterone Replacement Therapy ensures you receive personalized, attentive care tailored to your specific health needs.

Step 3:

Home Delivery for Your Medications

Explore the transformative potential of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) with a consultation from our seasoned professionals. Discuss the numerous benefits and determine if TRT aligns with your health goals. Begin your journey towards a revitalized and healthier future with this crucial first step.

Alive Total Wellness

Frequently Asked Questions

Peptides such as Sermorelin and Tesamorelin primarily stimulate the natural production of growth hormone in the body, leading to increased muscle mass, reduced body fat, improved sleep quality, enhanced endurance, and overall better health and wellness.
While both Sermorelin and Tesamorelin stimulate growth hormone production, Sermorelin is generally used for its overall benefits on health and wellness, including improved sleep and muscle growth. Tesamorelin, on the other hand, is particularly effective in reducing abdominal fat and has additional cognitive benefits such as improved memory and mental clarity.
Both Sermorelin and Tesamorelin are generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience mild side effects such as injection site reactions, headache, dizziness, or nausea. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to understand potential risks and benefits.
Results from Sermorelin and Tesamorelin therapy can vary based on individual factors such as age, health condition, and dosage. Typically, noticeable improvements in sleep quality, energy levels, and physical performance can be observed within a few weeks, with more significant changes in body composition and muscle mass occurring over several months.
While Sermorelin and Tesamorelin both stimulate growth hormone production, they have different strengths and specific benefits. Using them together should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider who can tailor the treatment to your individual needs and goals, ensuring optimal safety and effectiveness.